A month of adventures

A month has passed since I decided to come back to WoW and it has been pretty fun so far because I’ve had plenty to do like leveling alts, battlegrounds, Nighthold and the Suramar storyline quests, class campaign, world quests and looting legendaries!

I completed the campaign on my shaman and finally unlocked the 3rd relic slot and new followers. My shaman also got her second legendary item last week which made it even more fun to heal because the ring, Focuser of Jonat the Elder, is great for chain healing which is my all time favorite healing spell. Elemental Rebalancers was the first legendary my shaman got.

My druid also got her second legendary a few days ago, Cinidaria the Symbiote which was a major upgrade from  a 855 belt. The first legendary was Promise of Elune the Moon Goddess.

I’ve also done a lot of world quests which I don’t find very fun at all, but still necessary to get more order resources and artifact power. Both my druid and shaman have purchased all the traits in their artifact weapon including the % extra damage/healing. My druid is at rank 40 and shaman at 36.

Finished the Suramar quest line and took my first step into the Nighthold (LFR). It’s a beautiful designed raid and I like how all of the bosses are unique and got different abilities. Even on LFR I found most of the bosses to be challenging but I can imagine they are even more exciting and fun on harder difficulties. My favorite boss is of course Gul’dan because it requires the raid to work together and people to do what they should, even on LFR.

Sadly, I’ve seen a ton of terrible players in LFR. Not only players who just got the required item level to queue, but players with good gear that just suck, who die to stupid things that are easy to avoid or have so low damage it almost makes you cry.

My fury warrior is now level 110. He was my first ever character and my main for years, so he is special to me and it was fun to play warrior again.

I did battlegrounds for the first time in Legion last week. Yes, really! Don’t think I’ve done a single battleground until now which is a bit weird because I used to do them all the time in Warlords of Draenor. Remember that I thought balance druid was really boring in PvE in WoD but so much fun in PvP? I think the changes they made to balance druids were good and it’s much better now than in WoD. But I still think it’s more fun in PvP than PvE because the rotation in PvE is so easy that it gets boring after a while of just standing there and repeating the same thing over and over again. So I will definitely continue to do more battlegrounds.

Rushing through Hellfire Citadel


I’m impressed with the progress we’ve had in the guild this month in Fluffy Kittens of Doom. We have killed three new heroic bosses in 9 days and we had a fourth one, Mannoroth on 1% last raid. Xhul’horac took a while to master because we didn’t have enough space on the platform by the time we got to the final phase. After a while we found a tactic that worked for us and we got control of the final phase, then it was a kill and we one-shotted him the week after. Socrethar the Eternal and Tyrant Velhari were the two other bosses we got down last week. They didn’t take us that long but I’m not sure how easily they will go down next reset.

Other bosses we still struggled with sometimes are Fel Lord Zakuun and Shadow-Lord Iskar. Sometimes they go down easily, other times they take us a while. It depends a lot on our raid setup because our raid group is usually very small, like 10-15 people, and sometimes one of our best damage dealers have to off tank because we don’t have a second tank, so we lose some damage there. We also got a bunch of new people who are trying to learn the bosses and gearing up, so we can’t expect so much from them yet.

Hopefully all the bosses up to Mannoroth will go down easily next reset so we can kill Mannoroth himself.

By the way.. We are looking for more people to join our guild and raids. So if you understand Norwegian, play Horde, preferably on Stormscale (EU) and got around 680-700 item level, then you’re welcome to join us.

Progress and transfer


We’re still raiding with the guild Fluffy Kittens of Doom from Stormscale EU. Our progress is currently 6/13 in Hellfire Citadel Heroic and we killed Archimonde on normal for the first time this week. He was a lot easier after the nerf, but we still felt like we had to invite some randoms because we read that he’s easier with more people and we only had like 10-15 from the guild/friends.

I never thought I’d go back to raiding but what’s great about this guild is that it’s very casual so I don’t have to worry about missing a few every now and then. So we have decided to move some of our characters to Stormscale to join the guild. Till now we’ve just raided with them cross realm but we would like to be in the guild.

It’s a Norwegian guild with some Swedes, 3 raids per week but no attendance requirements. New members are welcome :)

First Hellfire Citadel raid


Some friends in the guild Fluffy Kittens of Doom on Stormscale EU raid two days per week and they usually got spots for friends who want to join. I’ve raided with them a few times now but this was my first time in Hellfire Citadel on normal difficulty, only done Looking For Raid previously.

As usual I was on my resto shaman which is my favorite character to raid with in this expansion. I didn’t read up on any of the bosses but they explained the tactics to me and the bosses weren’t very different from what they in LFR. The first four bosses went down very easily, most on first try. Kilrogg Deadeye took us a while longer to learn but we got him down and moved on to Gorefiend who we one-shotted.


I got 5 upgrades! It was a good and fun raid and I might continue to join them for a raid every now and then as long as it’s very casual.

Here’s the log from the raid on Warcraft Logs.

Karazhan, my favorite raid

I read this Breakfast topic on Blizzard Watch earlier and it made me think of all the memories I have from all the different raids.


It can be hard to pick just one favorite because there are so many amazing raids in this game. I have so many great memories from most of them. I remember the first time we completed the Zul’Aman timed run for the Amani Battle Bear mount, the first time we clicked the bridge to Lady Vashj in Serpent Shrine Cavern, wipes on Archimonde in Battle for Mount Hyjal, trying to learn the Kael’thas Sunstrider fight in Tempest Keep and our first Illidan Stormrage kill in the Black Temple.


I’ll never forget how amazing Ulduar was with Norse mythology inspired bosses, exciting hard modes and a perfect soundtrack. There were so many different bosses with different mechanics, I loved that the hardmodes were something you could choose to do by the order you killed the bosses in or something you had to activate in some way. Ulduar is probably the best raid Blizzard have ever made and it will always be one of my favorite raids.


Icecrown Citadel, both the raid and the dungeons, were awesome because I had been looking forward to fighting him for so long, especially after the Wrathgate. The dungeons The Forge of Souls, Pit of Saron and Halls of Reflection were thrilling introductions to the raid in Icecrown Citadel because they had such a great storyline, the dungeons were well designed and the music was awesome. I have so many memories from the bosses in Icecrown Citadel, Sindragosa and those damn iceblocks, wipes on Lich King which were caused by the defile which in some way covered the whole platform, the cinematic after defeating the Lich King and the day we finally defeated him on heroic difficulty.


But I raid I haven’t mentioned yet which will always be special to me is Karazhan. It was the first raid I did. I had just leveled my first character and joined my first raiding guild. Everything was new and exciting. I couldn’t wait to start exploring this new world and I wanted to see all of it.


So I was so excited the first time we were going to Karazhan. It looked so small and boring on the outside but I was surprised to see what was on the inside of the building. I still remember that we needed a key to open the gate and the creaking sound the door made when you opened it, the first time I heard the characteristic music in Karazhan.


I loved the haunted feeling, the design and all the small rooms and details you could find. The bosses were fun because they had different mechanics and their speeches and voices were so good. I can also remember the times we managed to get into the Karazhan Crypt which was so creepy. I always wished Blizzard would go back and make it into a raid. I would actually love it if Blizzard re-did Karazhan or made it a timewalk raid.

Which raid is your favorite and why?