Riddler’s Mind-Worm

A few days ago a friend told me about this mount, Riddler’s Mind-Worm, that was in the game but none really knew how to get it. He said there might be clues for it around in the world and that a group called the Secret Finding Discord Community was actively looking for these clues. Someone found a page called Page 9 in Dalaran that read “…of sea, spirit and self…” but none knew where to look next. This group searched all over the world for the next clue which would finally lead to the mount.

I love to explore, find secrets and solve riddles, so I would have loved to join them, but I didn’t have time to run around and look for clues. It was really exciting to follow their progress last night and read what the next clue was and then discover what it meant. It might just be me, but I don’t understand how the clues could have led them to those specific locations, because I don’t see how it’s logic. I get that the clue “…first of lords to fall…” means Ragnaros, but some of the others I don’t get at all. Maybe it helps to have read the book, World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, which the clues are inspired by.

After I heard that the rest of the clues were solved and the mount was found, I went to collect the rest of the pages and obtain the mount for myself.

Thanks to Nightswifty’s guide on how to get the Riddler’s Mind-Worm and the Secret Finding Discord Community who solved the puzzle!


To top it all off: I finally hit revered with the Armies of Legionfall today and can now fly on the Broken Isles! I was so close yesterday and just needed a few more quests to get enough reputation. I understand why Blizzard kept us waiting this long and I’m fine with it, but I feel like I’ve spent enough time running around on the ground, being dazed a thousand times, getting stuck places and dying. It’s so great to finally be able to fly again!


Did you solve any of the clues and get your Riddler’s Mind-Worm?

Returning to the Broken Shore

I’ve been waiting for this patch for a long time because I really want to see how the story with Legion will progress and because I’m tired of running around on the ground and can’t wait to finally take to the skies again! So I’ve been trying to do daily quests every day or as soon as new ones pop up, I’m not 100% sure how they work anymore, and I kill as many rares as I see and loot chests to get more Legionfall War Supplies to turn in for reputation. I’m currently at 60% on honored but I haven’t done any quests today.

The Mage Tower was the first building we got but I didn’t even try the challenge because I knew that my gear wasn’t nearly good enough to make it so I saved myself the trouble and annoyance of failing. But I collected a bunch of Nethershards through quests on the shore, Legion Assaults on the islands and some Sentinax portal farm so I could finally buy some gear and get rid of my many 865 item level pieces. Hopefully my gear will be good enough to try out the challenge next time the Mage Tower is up.

I found a Legion Flying Disc on my first day at the Broken Shore and I didn’t really know what it was, but I jumped on it and was so excited to see that I could fly around on it for 2 minutes!

There is a tree near the beach behind the Deliverance Point on the Broken Shore. If you look closely near the trunk of the tree you can see a sign that says “Nothing Secret Here!” and a rope. So, is there really nothing secret there or? You know me, I always get so curious and have to look around but I didn’t find anything, which might be the point because there really isn’t anything secret.

A turtle named Hell Shell is located on the small islands to the east of the Broken Shore. You can see the islands on the Broken Isles map, not Broken Shore. The turtle drops Salt-Hardened Shell that can dismount players. It reminds me of a similar item we used on Alliance outside Ulduar while we were waiting for the raid to start back in Wrath of the Lich King.

A month of adventures

A month has passed since I decided to come back to WoW and it has been pretty fun so far because I’ve had plenty to do like leveling alts, battlegrounds, Nighthold and the Suramar storyline quests, class campaign, world quests and looting legendaries!

I completed the campaign on my shaman and finally unlocked the 3rd relic slot and new followers. My shaman also got her second legendary item last week which made it even more fun to heal because the ring, Focuser of Jonat the Elder, is great for chain healing which is my all time favorite healing spell. Elemental Rebalancers was the first legendary my shaman got.

My druid also got her second legendary a few days ago, Cinidaria the Symbiote which was a major upgrade from  a 855 belt. The first legendary was Promise of Elune the Moon Goddess.

I’ve also done a lot of world quests which I don’t find very fun at all, but still necessary to get more order resources and artifact power. Both my druid and shaman have purchased all the traits in their artifact weapon including the % extra damage/healing. My druid is at rank 40 and shaman at 36.

Finished the Suramar quest line and took my first step into the Nighthold (LFR). It’s a beautiful designed raid and I like how all of the bosses are unique and got different abilities. Even on LFR I found most of the bosses to be challenging but I can imagine they are even more exciting and fun on harder difficulties. My favorite boss is of course Gul’dan because it requires the raid to work together and people to do what they should, even on LFR.

Sadly, I’ve seen a ton of terrible players in LFR. Not only players who just got the required item level to queue, but players with good gear that just suck, who die to stupid things that are easy to avoid or have so low damage it almost makes you cry.

My fury warrior is now level 110. He was my first ever character and my main for years, so he is special to me and it was fun to play warrior again.

I did battlegrounds for the first time in Legion last week. Yes, really! Don’t think I’ve done a single battleground until now which is a bit weird because I used to do them all the time in Warlords of Draenor. Remember that I thought balance druid was really boring in PvE in WoD but so much fun in PvP? I think the changes they made to balance druids were good and it’s much better now than in WoD. But I still think it’s more fun in PvP than PvE because the rotation in PvE is so easy that it gets boring after a while of just standing there and repeating the same thing over and over again. So I will definitely continue to do more battlegrounds.

My legendary shaman


I have been leveling my shaman for a while now, a few levels every now and then when I had time. The plan was to level through dungeons as restoration so I picked Sharas’dal, Scepter of Tides as my first artifact weapon. But I wanted to be able to solo quests as well so I picked the elemental weapon, The Fist of Ra-den, as my second artifact weapon because I used to have elemental as my off spec in previous expansions. I never really liked elemental, it was just a spec I had to have to be able to solo. Things haven’t changed, I still don’t like it.. So I went and got my third artifact weapon, the Doomhammer, and enhancement turned out to be incredible fun! I’ve never really played enhancement before because my main spec was restoration and all my gear had intellect on it, so it was simpler to have elemental as off spec. But it’s so much easier now when the gear got both intellect and agility!

My BF leveled with me, first on his priest and then restoration druid. We did both quests and dungeons. I played enhancement more than I played restoration because he wanted to heal in dungeons. Now on 110 my plan is to have restoration as my main spec, but I might try out enhancement in PvP because it looks like a lot of fun.

A funny story… I hit 110 and thought I might try to do some world quest for gear upgrades, because my gear was terrible and I wanted to increase my item level to be able to queue heroic dungeons and looking for raid. So I did some quests that rewarded gear and noticed I had completed 3/4 Warden quests and went to complete the fourth one. Then I went to Warden’s Redoubt to complete the quest for doing four world quest and get the box and artifact power. So, I just completed my first four world quests and got my first box.

Can you guess what was in it?


LEGENDARY!!! My first legendary in Legion, on my shaman, my alt, that had been level 110 for only a couple of hours… My druid still doesn’t have a legendary which I think is a bit strange because I have done so many world quests and quite a few dungeons. It seems like almost everyone else, at least in my guild, have gotten their legendary, many even got two.. Well, some of them have played much more than me and they raid every week which I don’t. But still, I hope it will be my druid’s turn to get a legendary soon.

How many characters have you leveled to 110? Do you have a legendary?

The Legion is coming


It has been a month since I renewed my subscription and came back to World of Warcraft after a six month long break. This patch has been highly anticipated with the class changes, new transmogrification system and now the Legion invasion and demon hunters.
I’m very happy with the changes to balance druid and resto shaman but it feels like I don’t have any abilities left to use, my bars have never been so empty. I’m especially happy with the balance druid changes because I really disliked the playstyle in PvE in Warlords of Draenor. The only thing I don’t like is that Starfall is so expensive and that you have to place it on the ground, might take me a long while to get used to it and learn how to master using it. I used to just pop Starfall, pull half the world, kite and dot everything to death, have to find a new way to do that now.
One more thing that’s annoying is that I can’t take good screenshots when using Blessing of the Ancients because when I zoom all the way in I still see the stars and smoke effects from the spell in the middle of the screen.


I almost forgot that I had to buy the Legion expansion to play the demon hunter so I bought it the same day as they became available. It wasn’t exactly cheap, 44.99 euro for the standard edition and 59.99 euros for the digital deluxe edition. I decided to buy the digital deluxe edition because I think the stuff you get is worth the extra 15 euros, I just think the standard edition should have been cheaper because you only get the game.
I’ve been looking forward to playing the demon hunter because I never tried them on the beta. The story and the quests were very interesting though it was kind of what I expected it to be. I’m not sure if I ever could be a real Illidari demon hunter by heart because the story in the quests made me think that Illidan might be insane, I don’t agree with everything he’s done, but I still chose Kayn over Altruis because I think that’s what an Illidari demon hunter would have done. Havoc is a fun spec so I’m planning to play it more in the future, but I don’t know yet if demon hunter will become one of my favorite alts.


The pre-expansion events are always fun, so I was of course looking forward to the invasions and everything that came with them. I have completed the invasions in all of the zones and I’m now trying to collect all the different transmog gear sets.
Today I finally got the It All Makes Sense Now achievement which requires you to collect all the 12 different pamphlets from the Doomsayers in your city. The Pocket Fel Spreader toy haven’t dropped for me yet but I haven’t killed that many Dread Infiltrators. I joined a group to farm it but we looked for hours without finding a single one, so I might just buy the toy at the auction house instead of wasting my time like that again.
I started crafting and selling Tomes of Illusions and Tomes of the Clear Mind to earn some gold. So far I’ve earned at least 80 000 gold over one week. I don’t farm all the materials, so I spend some gold to buy parts of what I need, but I only sell if I get a good profit. I need to earn gold so I can buy WoW Tokens and use them to pay for my game time.


I did the quest in Dalaran with Khadgar which was interesting but much shorter than I thought it would be. It was fun to go back to Karazhan because I have so many good memories from that raid, it is actually one of my favorite raids.


What do you think about the Legion pre-expansion patch, demon hunters and invasions?