Postmaster Syrco

This post was written in August before I race changed to Highmountain tauren and before Battle for Azeroth was released, but I forgot to publish it cause there was so much going on.

I read about the Postmaster’s questline a while ago. It starts when you find a lost letter by a mailbox in Dalaran and takes you through a questline where you learn more about how the mail works in Azeroth. You get to help the Postmaster and have to sort letters correctly and fast enough. I thought it looked like a lot of fun cause Iike to think that I’m pretty decent at zones and locations. I thought I’d start looking for the Lost Mail.

But I thought it would take me days to get one and was surprised when I found one the same day. The quests are fun so you should read the quest description and dialogue between the NPCs.

Wowhead has a helpful guide you can follow if needed and there is a Weak Aura you can use to make it easier to sort letters for the achievements.



I completed the legendary quest and got the cloak on my shaman a few days ago.

I was stuck on the Secrets of the First Empire quest for several months because I got bored with the game after Ash disbanded so I didn’t feel like playing a lot, and if I first decided to play I couldn’t be bothered to run Looking For Raid because the drop rate of the quest items seemed so low and the other players there were usually so bad, annoying and rude that it made me want to just press Alt F4.

But then, months later, I read about the Gaze of the Black Prince buff and I decided to complete the rest of the quest chain because I didn’t really have that much left. I don’t remember how much time I spent completing the Secrets quest, maybe a few weeks, it felt like that quest took the longest time because you had to collect 20 quest items. The Thunder Forge solo scenario with Wrathion was very fun to do again, this time as a healer. I thought it would be hard, but it was very easy. It took me a week to collect the Titan Runestones but after that the rest of the quests were very simple and quick to complete.

I’m glad that I completed the quests and got the cloak now because I read that they are removing it in Warlords in Draenor. So if you’re planning to complete the legendary quest chain on one of your characters, you better hurry up and get it done before they remove it. Wowhead has a great guide which I followed, Mists of Pandaria’s Legendary Questline Guide.

The Abyssal Ride – Seahorse mount quest

If you are going to be making it anywhere in this kelp forest, you will need a reliable mount. I think that I have spotted something that might work, friend. Tie off a lure at the rope just west of us, and then mount the seahorse that it will attract. Be warned, you may need to work hard to break the beast.

Because Vashj’ir is a underwater quest zone you have to swim, and you get a buff called “Sea legs” which increases your sea floor movement by 60% in in one of the first quests in Kelp Forest, but it’s not fast enough.

So at level 80 you can get this quest called The Abyssal Ride from Erunak Stonespeaker and the reward is the Subdued Abyssal Seahorse which increases speed by 280%. I think it’s a follow-up quest so you might have to do some of the other quests in the zone first to be able to take it.

The Abyssal Ride on Wowwiki and Wowhead.


The Abyssal Breach Whirlpool

Mount bug

Frapsed this last time I was in Throne of the Tides, because there was a bug where you could mount a party member’s mount like if it was a multi passenger mount, so here is a short video of it. Was a bit funny.

And adding a few new screenshots from Vashj’ir.