World of Warcraft Secrets: Underwater goblin club room

I first discovered this area back in Cataclysm after I had heard rumours about a hidden underwater room in a boat in Thousand Needles. So I went searching for it and finally found the entrance. You have to swim under the Fizzle and Pozzik’s Speedbarage and into the hole where the chain to the anchor is.


The room is filled with water and some items are floating around. There is a goblin calendar on the wall, drinks and food on the table. But what’s interesting is there are three chairs around the table.


They’re called Aya’s Chair, Twin’s Chair and Mowi’s Chair. But there are no NPCs with those names on the boat. I read somewhere that those are the names of a designer’s friends, but also that Mowi and Twin are the NPCs Explorer Mowi and Prospector Brewer in Deepholm.


Who do you think the chairs belong to?

2 thoughts on “World of Warcraft Secrets: Underwater goblin club room

  1. They are friends of the designers who were also made into NPC’s. I know each of them personally IRL. :)

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