What I listen to while playing WoW

This week’s shared topic on Blog Azeroth comes from Amerence who writes

I know that the World of Warcraft game has its own music to play either we are in the caverns, the city, battlegrounds even in raids or pretty much anywhere. The background music loops and plays wherever you go. But I know some of you prefer to mute and listen to your own music while playing the game. I want to know what World of Warcraft Music Background you choose to hear or your own flavor of music while playing the game.

It’s not a secret that I love music and that includes the in-game music in WoW. As of right now I’m really looking forward to hearing the music in Warlords of Draenor, I’m so excited to see the login screen and listen to the main title for the first time, to be honest, that’s one of the things I’m most excited for prior to an expansion. I always play with the in-game music on while playing new content or zones because the music is like the soul of the game and it completes the excitement of exploring something new. I’m one of those who turn up the music volume and turn on the best quality of all the sound settings. Sometimes if I’m not flying or running around in the world with my camera zoomed in to first person and the UI hidden, then I’m sitting with my eyes closed and just listening to the music.  I don’t know any other way of explaining what the music means to me.

But sometimes while in the same zone for a long time with the music turned up really high and on loop, I might find myself turning the volume down because I can also get tired of hearing the same track over and over again for hours. This usually happens in the cities I spend a lot of time in, e.g. Orgrimmar, Dalaran and Shattrath.

I don’t play a lot through old content, but if I do, I always turn up the music. Like last week I boosted by boyfriend’s death knight alt through the Icecrown Citadel dungeons The Forge of Souls, Pit of Saron and Halls of Reflection. The music in those dungeons is amazing and we had to stop and listen to it several times.

I know some people don’t want the music on while they’re raiding because they have to focus and listen to ventrilo. But I had the music on back when I was raiding, not so loud that I couldn’t focus or hear ventrilo, but loud enough to hear the music because it made the fights so much more exciting.

Some of my favorite pieces of music from World of Warcraft

The only time I actually prefer to listen to my own music is when I’m doing PvP because the music I choose to listen to gives me the right mood and really gets me in “the zone”, it gives me confidence and motivation, and I think I perform better with that kind of music. It has to be loud, but not so loud that I don’t hear the in-game sounds, because I like to be able to hear when someone caps a base or a flag, but with my own music in my ears I might not hear the sound of a rogue or druid stealthing behind me.

My most recent addiction in music is Lindsey Stirling. She’s an amazing violinist and composer who really takes classical music to a new level! Just by listening to her and watching her videos on YouTube I get so inspired that I actually want to pick up playing an instrument again.

Besides her, one of my favorite bands are Machinae Supremacy. They’re a Swedish band that combines metal and rock with chiptunes, self-defined as “SID metal” (many of their songs use a SidStation that features the SID chip of the Commodore 64). They’re not that well known yet, but they have actually released five studio albums and they’re planning their first headlining European Tour this year. I first discovered them when they were supporting Children of Bodom in Denmark in 2011.

Sometimes when I play with my boyfriend, we listen to music on his computer, through speakers. We mostly listen to our own playlists on Spotify with everything from old and weird music from our childhood to our favorite bands/artists and songs. A band we’ve listened to a lot lately is Donkeyboy. A Norwegian pop band.

By the way, a good headset or speakers really do a difference.

Lindsey Stirling: Website, Facebook, YouTube

Machinae Supremacy: Website, Facebook, YouTube

Donkeyboy: Website, Facebook, YouTube


What do you listen to while you play WoW?

3 thoughts on “What I listen to while playing WoW

  1. Love Lindsay too i always love classical music especially when its violin, When raiding yes i admit i do have some music on in the background but not all the time. its true that its more exciting to raid to listen to i even record some videos while raiding before and i had to put some techno music on haha. Anyway your choices are awesome! Thanks again for sharing. Linky linky on my community blog now. <3

  2. I don’t :/ I watch TV usually… my day job is as a music teacher so I kinda get fed up of it :p That being said, we have the Warcraft music on CD in the car, so often whilst driving we have that on :)

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